

Frequently Asked Questions

Please contact the  Local Plans team at:  localplan@cityoflondon.gov.uk to discuss Neighbourhood Forums.

In the City of London, neighbourhood planning can be taken forward by a ‘Neighbourhood Forum’.  

A Neighbourhood Forum can be established by any body, organisation or group of individuals, and must meet the following conditions:  

  1. the aim of the Neighbourhood Forum must be to improve and promote the social, economic and environmental well-being of the defined Neighbourhood Area;  

  2. the membership of the Neighbourhood Forum should be open to those in the defined Neighbourhood Area –  

    • who live there  

    • who work there  

    • who are elected members for that area.  

  3. the Neighbourhood Forum should have a minimum of 21 individual members who – 

    • live in the Neighbourhood Area  

    • work in the area  

    • are elected members for that area.  

  4. the Neighbourhood Forum must have a written constitution  

A proposed Neighbourhood Forum must submit an application to the local planning authority (LPA). If the Local Planning Authority is satisfied that the above conditions have been met, it will then designate the body/organisation as a Neighbourhood Forum.  

(For full details on the regulations please see Town and Country Planning, England The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (Part 3); and Town And Country Planning Act 1990 Section 61F(5)) 

A neighbourhood forum will determine a ‘Neighbourhood Area’ which will be the focus for the proposed neighbourhood development plan or neighbourhood development order. This area can cross boundaries between two or more local authorities, but it cannot overlap another neighbourhood area.  

The neighbourhood forum must submit to the LPA a map showing the boundary of the proposed area, and a statement setting out why it is considered that this area is appropriate to be designated as a Neighbourhood Area.  

The LPA will then decide whether the proposed Neighbourhood Area is valid based on the application submitted. 

Step 1 Local community group to (a) submit an application for proposed Neighbourhood Forum to the Local Planning Authority (LPA) for approval and recognition, and, (b) submit an application for a proposed Neighbourhood Area to the LPA for approval and designation.  

Step 2 The LPA will then publicise the designations requests and invite representations from people who live, work or conduct business in the area to which the applications relate.  

Step 3 The LPA will assess and approve/reject the proposed neighbourhood area and/or neighbourhood forum, based on the conditions set out in the Neighbourhood Planning Regulation 2012 (Parts 2&3). 

A neighbourhood plan is a document that sets out planning policies for the neighbourhood area. A neighbourhood plan contains policies for the development and use of land.  

Once adopted, a Neighbourhood Plan has the same statutory weight as the Local Plan. 

It is up to the Neighbourhood Forum to decide what issues and policies will be included in their plan. These could include housing, town centre, open space or recreation policies. A Neighbourhood Plan should be in line with, and should not repeat national, regional and local policy. 

Legislation states that, a local planning authority must work collaboratively with the neighbourhood forum, including sharing evidence and seeking to resolve any issues to ensure the draft neighbourhood plan has the greatest change of success at independent examination. The local planning authority should work with the neighbourhood forum to ensure that complementary neighbourhood and local plan policies are produced, providing practical guidance and officer support.  

The local planning authority must take decisions at key stages in the neighbourhood planning process, ie. approval of the neighbourhood plan area or forum. The local planning authority must fulfil its duties and take decisions as soon as possible, and within statutory time periods where these apply. 

Please contact the  Local Plans team at:  localplan@cityoflondon.gov.uk to discuss Neighbourhood Forums.

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